Main ke tempat Fitri, ternyata ada berkah untuk saya disana, sebuah penghargaan lagi : penghargaan pelaku blog (begitu saja ya padanan katanya). Untuk Fitri yang kreatif, terima kasih banyak ya :)

Aturannya :
1. How long have you been blogging ?
I have been blogging for about 5 years now
2. When did the first time you blog?
It was sometime in 2006, and since then I have been on and off. Currently, I am on it :)
3. What is you purpose to making blog?
Building a network and making friends
4.Who inspired you so that your blog becoming like now?
Those awesome and creative crafters around the world
5. Send this award to other four bloggers
Alright, here they are :
1. Liza Novarita
2. Greiche Anwar
3. Labibah Zain
4. Teddy bear princess
Be creative, be yourself and the satisfaction is there for you
Happy crafting
Hany Von Gillern
selamat ya mba. pelaku blogger seperti mba hany memang pantas mendapatkannya. tetap semangat untuk ngeblog ya mba.. hehe.. jangan curi-curi waktu lagi mba. nanti yg dicuri marah loh...hihi ^^
Selamat mb, you're truly deserve it...
@ mbak Fitria : hahaha ... iya ya mbak... makasih :)
@ mbak Lia : Makasih :)
terimakasih mbak hany sudah bersedia meneruskan penghargaan ini :)
Dengan senang hati Fitri :)
is that me? is that me? hurraaaay
thankyou mbak Hany haha :D
award pertama aku nih hehe :p
congratulation juga yaaa :)
teddy bear princess
Sama-sama :)
hahaha... Hany tau aja kalo aku mencuri2 waktu.. selamat nih dapet penghargaan kedua..:)
Makasih Vita :)
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