
Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog. I am not an artist or expert of crafts, but just a simple and an ordinary woman who loves crafts and crafting. Enjoy your visit and let us share ideas. Crafting is fun when we do it together with RESPECT AND TOLERANCE.

Happy crafting
Hany Von G

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sushi 101 (For beginner)

Sumber (Source) Japanese Cooking At Home
Hideo Dekura

Bahan (Ingredients) :

4 cups short grain rice (beras sushi), masak (cooked)
1 cup rice vinegar
3 1/2 sdm gula (3.5 tbsp sugar)
garam (Salt)

Bahan tambahan (Additional) :
Slender roll :
Timun, potong memanjang, buang bijinya. (cucumber, take the seeds out and cut in halves)

inside-out roll :
1 btg asparagus (aku pake timun krn gak punya asparagus) (I stalk asparagus, but I used a cucumber)
udang rebus (cooked shrimp)
daun selada (Lettuce)

Cara :

Basahi bagian dalam tempat pencampur dengan lap basah. Masukkan nasi sushi.
Campur rice vinegar, garam dan gula, aduk rata. Campurkan dengan nasi sedikit-demi sedikit, aduk sampai tercampur rata. Waktu mencampur, dinginkan nasi dengan kipas. Ini untuk membantu penyerapan campuran luquid dan agar nasi tampak lebih berkilau.
Setelah nasi menjadi hangat, tutup dengan lap basah kembali supaya nasi tidak mengering.

(Instruction) :
Wet the inside of mixing bowl with damp cloth, place the cooked sushi rice in.
Mix rice vinegar, salt and sugar together to make sushi vinegar.
Gradually pour sushi vinegar into the rice. While mixing, cool the rice with hand fan. This process helps rice absorb vinegar mixture and create a glossy surface on rice.
When the rice becomes lukewarm, cover with a damp cloth, so the rice does not get dry

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