
Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog. I am not an artist or expert of crafts, but just a simple and an ordinary woman who loves crafts and crafting. Enjoy your visit and let us share ideas. Crafting is fun when we do it together with RESPECT AND TOLERANCE.

Happy crafting
Hany Von G

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Let's have some fun give away!!!

Hello all,

For those who haven't known me, just call me Hany. I am not an artist or expert of craft, but I am an addict to it. I have been crafting since I was a little girl, and always love doing it with all my heart and enjoy every single minute of my crafting time. My favorite material to work with is polymerclay, but I have tried many kinds of crafts. Currently I work a lot with felt. I live in the east coast of the USA now with my lovely husband who has given endless support to my interest. I am so grateful that living in the US has enabled me to expose myself to a lot of crafts. There are many craft stores here for us to find supplies for our crafts. One of them is called Michaels. Yesterday, we went there to pick up some items, and the rest was just history as I was drawn into a sea of yummy materials.

When I saw these items at Michaels, I just fell in love with them right away. They are :
* a pack of shabby chic blank greeting cards
* a pack of shabby chic tags
* a pack of shabby chic clothe pins
* a spool of flowery ribbon
* a wood block that says "Little birdie told me"
* a set of 4 country design coasters
* a country design case
* a pack of country design tags

I doubled my purchase of those items because I thought I wanted to share them with you, fellow crafters. I will send a package of those things to one of you, but I have some rules to follow if you would like to have them.
This is a "have fun" event which is open to everyone everywhere in the world as long as you have access to a postal service.
1. Please introduce yourself in case I don't know you.
2. Please tell me what you will do/create with those things.
3. I don't want to push you to follow my blog if it is not worth following. But if you do, that will be an additional credit for a decision I will make.
4. Let's have fun together, and let your acquaintances and friends know about this event by posting this in your blogs.
5. I will wait for 2 weeks for people to leave a comment, and announce the selected person on February 19th, 2011.

Semua yang terdapat dalam foto itu akan dikirim pada salah satu dari anda yang ikut serta di acara give away ini, dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :

1. Kenalkan diri anda seandainya kita belum saling kenal.
2. Seandainya anda memenangkan acara ini, kreasi apa yang akan anda buat dengan barang-barang tersebut, minimal satu kreasi saja. Saya tahu anda semua adalah orang-orang kreatif :)
3. Tidak ada paksaan untuk menjadi foloower do blog saya, tapi jika anda memutuskan untuk menjadi follower, akan menjadi tambahan nilai pada keputusan saya nanti.
4. Ayo kita bersenang-senang, kabarkan pada teman-teman dan kenalan anda berita ini dengan menuliskannya di blog anda.
5. Saya akan tunggu sampai 3 minggu dan akan mengumumkan pemenangnya pada tanggal 19 februari 2011.

Thank you
Terima kasih
Hany Von Gillern


TatForFun said...

Hi Hany...
Kenalin, I'm tatforfun ^_^
Indonesian as well, dan masih di Indonesia sih :)

Kalo aku Tat addict (tatting only deh sementara ini). Dulu-dulu sempet blogging tentang tatting ini, berbahasa inggris untuk berteman dengan tatters dari luar negeri. Belakangan sibuk banget...jadi gak sempet update blog itu lagi..susah sih mesti mikir keras untuk berbahasa asing ^_^.
Tapi sekarang mau coba diaktifin lagi, sambil coba juga bikin blog tatting pake bahasa Indonesia untuk cari temen-temen di Indonesia yang punya hobi yang sama...crafting :))

so..kayaknya disini rame nih...ditambahin satu lagi ya..Tatting :p

Anonymous said...
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henny rupita said...

Mbak Hany, apa kabar?

Baru tau dari Jane tentang rumah mbak Hany disini... Henny mo ikut ngeramein acara senang2 ala mbak Hany dan udah posting di sini; http://hennymamaping.multiply.com/journal/item/317/Mbak_Hany_di_Pojok_Utak-Atik

Makasih ya!

Jane's Simple Kitchen said...

Halo mba Hany..
ketemu lagi di pojok utak atik :-)
Sementara ini aku masih berkutat dengan paper crafting, meskiupun sekarang frekuensi bikin2 jadi jaraaaang sekali he..he..
Kalau dapat hadiah di atas...yang kepikiran mau buat kartu accordion dihiasi tag country itu.. Dan mau bikin scrapbooking tentang naik sepeda, kalau Jev udah bisa naik sepeda roda tiga :-)

Admin Inarity said...

Hallo mbak Hany,
akhirnya Iin memberanikan diri bikin blog gara-gara pengen dapet giveawaynya... :)
Yang kepikiran mau dibikin adalah minibook sama beberapa kartu. Semua itu janji In kepada sahabat. Semua In tulis di sini http://homemadecraftbyinarity.blogspot.com/2011/02/starting-point-giveaway-mbak-hanny.html
Mohon ditengok ya mbak.. Blog In baru aja lahir, jadi baru itu isinya. Hehehe...

Yayan Kris Pasha said...

Halo Mbak... semoga belum terlambat yah. baru tau sekarang. tanx to mbak Iin Aryanti yg sudah ngasih tau..

dibuat scrapbook mbak.. kebetulan aku punya foto jalan2... tadinya mau aku upload sekalian, tp bingung mau yg mana dan gimana caranya, hahaha...

aku new comer banget di craft mbak. karyaku masih tak upload di Facebook. disini belum, hehe...

Facebookku: krisya.krisya@yahoo.co.id
dan giveway mbak Hany aku upload di sini:

Salam kenal mbak Hany.. dan salam crafting... ;)